Co-founder / Co-artistic director / Choreographer
Since 2015 — Dancer at Berlin State Ballet
Alexander Abdukarimov was born in Russia in 1986. From 1995 for three years studied acrobatic in school of Olimpic reserve. Twice champion of Moskow, candidate of master sport. In year 2001 he went to study ballet with small amateur group of kids in music school. During one year decision to make dance as a profession was clear. Graduated in Vaganova Ballet Academy as a bachelor of ballet art and ballet dancer in 2008.
His career beginn at the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg, where in just a year he performed several solo roles. After one year he decided to move back to Moskow and was touring for one year. He decided to move to Europe and join Victor Ulliate Ballet based in Madrid. Here he got acquainted with different approach and styles of european choreographers.
Later in Ballet Kiel he started explore himself as a choreographer and created two short ballets for this company — Chronos and When the Masks Falls in season 2012–2013.
Since the beginning facing towards generative tecnologies and different types of data transfer in combination with human movement, and together with Aubert Vanderlinden he had released Control_Shift in Komishe Oper Berlin in October 2020.